Carter Lawn Management, LLC
A Lawn & Landscape Management Business

Lawn Application Programs
Is your lawn in need of some close attention? Our lawn application services are designed to get rid of any weeds, keep them out and make your lawn healthy with right fertilizer for your lawn. We offer a 6-application program and a 9-application program to make your lawn one to be proud of.

6-application Program

Early spring fertilizer & pre-emergent - This is a granular fertilizer for your lawn along with a pre-emergent to help prevent crabgrass and other weeds from germinating.
Spring weed control - A liquid weed control used to control broad-leaf weeds that have germinated.
Late spring fertilizer & pre-emergent - This is another fertilizer application to green up your lawn and make it healthy. This application also contains a pre-emergent to continue to prevent weeds from germinating.
Summer weed control - This is a liquid weed control used to control broad-leaf and we also treat for sedge. (Sedge is the grassy looking weed that grows faster than your other grass.)
Fall weed control - This is a liquid application that is used to control the broad-leaf weeds that may be popping up.
Late fall - This is a granular application that is a winterizer for your lawn. This is a quick release fertilizer that will green up your lawn and help it through those cold winter months until the spring.
9-application Program

Early spring fertilizer & pre-emergent - This is a granular fertilizer for your lawn along with a pre-emergent to help prevent crabgrass and other weeds from germinating.
Spring weed control - A liquid weed control used to control broad-leaf weeds that have germinated.
Late spring fertilizer & pre-emergent - This is another fertilizer application to green up your lawn and make it healthy. This application also contains a pre-emergent to continue to prevent weeds from germinating.
Grub Control - This is a fertilizer mixed with a grub control. Along with feeding your lawn, we apply this grub treatment to control the little white grubs that feed on the roots of your grass.
Summer weed control - This is a liquid weed control used to control broad-leaf and we also treat for sedge. (Sedge is the grassy looking weed that grows faster than your other grass.)
Early fall fertilizer - Slow release fertilizer - This is a granular that slowly releases nutrients to your lawn for continuous feeding.
Fall soil builder - This is a granular soil builder that relieves soil compaction & stimulates biological activity promoting root health for your lawn.
Fall weed control - This is a liquid application that is used to control the broad-leaf weeds that may be popping up.
Late fall - This is a granular application that is a winterizer for your lawn. This is a quick release fertilizer that will green up your lawn and help it through those cold winter months until the spring.
Soil Builder

This is included in our 9-application program, but you may want the 6 applications and just add the soil builder separately.
Soil Builder - This is a granular soil builder that relieves soil compaction & stimulates biological activity promoting root health for your lawn.
Core Aeration

Air, water, & nutrients are the three main things your grass needs to be healthy and thick. When the soil around the roots of your grass becomes compacted, it becomes difficult for air, water and nutrients to get to the roots of your grass. This is why aeration is important for your lawn to be healthy and thick. When we aerate, we use a machine that pulls plugs from the soil and drops them onto your lawn. No need to worry about those plugs, rain will dissolve these into the soil again. This service is done in the fall of the year. Let us know if you would like to add this to your program.
Grub Control

This is included in our 9-application program, but you may want the 6 applications and just add the grub control separately.
Grub Control - This is a fertilizer mixed with a grub control. Along with feeding your lawn, we apply this grub treatment to control the little white grubs that feed on the roots of your grass.
Core Aeration & Overseeding

Air, water, & nutrients are the three main things your grass needs to be healthy and thick. When the soil around the roots of your grass becomes compacted, it becomes difficult for air, water and nutrients to get to the roots of your grass. This is why aeration is important for your lawn to be healthy and thick. When we aerate, we use a machine that pulls plugs from the soil and drops them onto your lawn. No need to worry about those plugs, rain will dissolve these into the soil again. This service is done in the fall of the year, and allows for us to overseed at the same time. We use a high quality fescue when seeding so you know you lawn will thicken and look great! Let us know if you would like to add this to your program.